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Imposed agendas (part 2)

My previous post focused on Peter trying to impose his agenda and deter Jesus's vocational calling: As Christ told his disciples about His upcoming salvific work on the cross, Peter said, 'I'll never let that happen, Lord!'  But he turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.’   (Matt. 16:22-23)     I now want to consider what may have been going on in Peter’s head prior to his acting this way. Starting in Matthew chapter 15, we see the Pharisees challenging Christ because His disciples didn’t follow the hand washing ritual. Christ says it is about the status of the heart, not unwashed hands. The Pharisees demonstrate their “unbelief” in Jesus here. Next, this unbelief is contrasted in two ways: 1) by a foreign woman who believes that Jesus can heal her daughter. Due to her faith, He does. 2) Jesus heals many who are sick and feeds 4000+ hungr...

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Imposed agendas